Friday, February 23, 2007

Prince Harry Going to Iraq

Very busy week, hence snail-like blogging rate. The report that Prince Harry will be deploying with the Blues and Royals to Iraq caught my eye, however. I can see many problems with this, particularly that Harry being the terrorist dream target puts others in graver danger than they would otherwise be by his mere presence. I think the argument against is well expressed here:
Harry's desire to serve is admirable. But if a single additional squaddie is harmed protecting him, his will be a deployment too far.
On balance, however, I'm for it. He's a soldier doing his job, his duty. It'd be worse if the 2nd in line were offered a free pass on combat deployment (as he obviously was) and took it. I think it speaks well of him and I hope his special attractiveness as a target gives his mates lots of opportunities to plink those who out of eagerness for a big kill attack unwisely.


Daniel Ford said...

The internet news photo showed 2nd Lt HRH in cammy grease paint. If he wears that throughout his deployment, who would ever recognize him? An appointment with the By Appointment dermatologist when he gets home, and he'll be all set.

Good on him! As you suggest, the alternative (weaseling out) would have been worse.

(So "squaddie" is still in use? It dates back at least to the Irish Troubles of 1916-1921. My father used the term as a pejorative.)

Daniel Ford said...

David, the Wall Street Journal has an editorial today (Saturday) about 2nd Lt HRH. I've posted it at my blog.

Nick Dymond said...

The problem I foresee is that, without restriction, the media will be looking for any excuse to conclude that any particular enemy activy of consequence was encouraged by HRH's presence.