Monday, January 15, 2007

Gen Petraeus PhD Thesis

Further to my previous post about Gen Petraeus and in the tradition of previous posts on interesting-things-you-can-find-by-using-bibliographic-databases-of-the-library here is the PhD dissertation of the general: THE AMERICAN MILITARY AND THE LESSONS OF VIETNAM: A STUDY OF MILITARY INFLUENCE AND THE USE OF FORCE IN THE POST-VIETNAM ERA

It's interesting reading in its own right made all the more interesting for where Petraeus is now. He was certainly ably advised: Richard Ullman, Stephen Walt, Barry Posen, and G. John Ikenberry are noted in the acknowledgments.


Theo said...

Very good profile of Petraeus on Radio 4 yesterday. It's a short prog (just 15 min). Anway, Robert Fisk makes the excellent point that by cosying up to the media (which Petraeus has done from day one), Petraeus has made himself an invaluable political asset for Bush. All those armchair strategists in the US media who are critical of the surge strategy temper their criticism by saying that, on the other hand, if anybody can make it work, Petraeus can. And then, in a nice ironic twist of the same line, Fisk (we know what he thinks America's role in Iraq!) concludes that if Petraeus can't succeed its hard to imagine who else can.

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Susan Bell said...

Hy, David J. Betz I have just bookmarked this website in my favorites, thanks for such an amazing post about dissertations. I didn’t have much idea about it before but I think, now, I can very well handle it.

Patricia Saad said...

The PhD thesis was certainly amazing, and it was also informative. Well, that what graduate thesis would always be. One problem I find on most thesis is that they lack information, which can be their weak point when it comes to defending them.