Friday, August 17, 2007

War and Anthropology

Professors on the Battlefield -

Also see this post by Sharon Weinberger on Danger Room 'When Anthropologists Go to War'

I think on balance this is a very good development, though Patrick Porter's recent piece in Parameters 'Good Anthropology, Bad History: The Cultural Turn in Studying War' points out that it's not all straightforward. At the end of the day why should the role of academics in war be confined to standing outside the Pentagon waving placards screaming 'You suck!'?

I love the comment at the end of the Danger Room post though: 'Doh! You just shot our anthropologist! How are we going to find a new one way out here???'


Daniel Ford said...
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Daniel Ford said...

Here's Evan Goldstein in the Wall Street Journal on the same subject.

There's a nice drawing also of David Betz (Ivan Zverzhanovski?) in cammies :)

Blue skies! -- Dan Ford