Friday, November 10, 2006

Screw the headline just give me the footnote

Consider the following. A poll is conducted of Afghans concerning their attitudes towards 'democracy, security, poppy cultivation, and the 2005 parliamentary elections -- as well as attitudes towards governing institutions, the role of women and Islam in society, and the impact of media.'

The New York Times reports:
Afghans Losing Faith in Nation’s Path, Poll Shows

The Daily Times reports: Afghan optimism falls sharply, poll shows

Malaysia Sun reports: Poll says more Afghans becoming negative reports: U.S.-funded survey: Afghans losing confidence in their country's direction

But USA Today reports: Poll: Afghans express confidence in country's direction, security

So what are we to believe? Answer: none of them! Be your own reporter. Read the survey yourself. Make up your own mind. This is the reason why I can't watch the news without my laptop up and running anymore. In the information age 'fact-checking the media's ass' is basic self-defence.

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